Tag Archives: Bond Lee

INKLING by Stephen Chan, Bond Lee, & MS Magic

Inkling, a revolution in magic.

From the genius mind of Stephen Chan, presented by Bond Lee & MS Magic. Inkling can make predictions visually and magically appear on a normal piece of paper, and at the end you can gift the paper to your audience as a magical souvenir.

Prediction, mind reading, transformations, and vanishes are all possible, the perfect tool for mentalism.

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PSI by Wenzi Magic & Bond Lee

Let’s take your Rubik’s Cube magic to the next level!

PSI is a revolutionary gimmick which is perfect for mentalists. During a multi-phased routine, the magician can accurately predict the outcomes in a mind blogging manner.

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The Bouquet by Bond Lee & MS Magic

Visually stunning, meticulously crafted, yet requires very little practice to perform. A perfect effect for working professionals and stage performers. The Bouquet is inspired from the classic blooming rose effect and we made it extremely portable for you.

Effect: The magician holds a bouquet with no roses at the start. Then, magically, numerous red roses begin to emerge until the bouquet is filled with beautiful roses.

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Cardiographic Recall by Martin Lewis, XaPkat and Bond Lee

A twist on the classic Cardiographic by Martin Lewis, performed by renowned magicians all over world. This is one of the best pieces of stand-up magic to entertain your audience.

The twist:

The card that first rises from the deck on the sketchpad does not match the audience’s selection. However, it magically transforms into their selection afterwards!

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