Next time you meet a friend for coffee, as a gesture of friendship, you bring along a CD you made for them of some music you thought they’d enjoy. As you give them the CD, you explain to your friend that listening to someone’s music is a great way to get to know them. There’s something deep and emotional about music that exists on a different level from plain conversation. You ask them what some of their favorite songs are, in an attempt to learn more about them. “If you like those songs, you’re going to love this CD,” you say, pointing to the disc they’re now holding. The rest of the afternoon coffee is no different from any other. When they arrive home and play the CD, however, they realize that they will indeed love the songs on it. They’re the exact same songs they mentioned to you earlier during coffee.
Tag Archives: Alvo Stockman
Zombie Monte by Alvo Stockman
This monte card set from Alvo Stockman is a huge hit with spectators, and comes complete with both boy and girl zombies to customize your performance. An optional survival kit is also included.