Rel Change by Michael Brewer

Rel Change by Michael Brewer and Vanishing Inc.

When we were in Austin, Texas last year, everyone was talking about “the move.” It’s a FANTASTIC color change by Michael Brewer that we just had to see. Wow. Just wow. When you see the trailer, you’ll agree—this just looks like a camera trick.

What’s fantastic about this move (which is pretty difficult, but not overly difficult) is that you can use it to change cards, bills, and other objects. That’s right: when you learn this move, you will have many different effects and applications at your disposal. For us, this makes the incentive to learn it even greater.

The best use, for us, is just causing one card to MELT into another. The entire surface of the card just seems to change. It’s what real magic would look like.

“I have to say that this an absolutely stunning change, and I was completely fooled to boot! Just wonderful!”Jack Carpenter

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