Priorities by Nikolas Mavresis

You introduce a set of cards, each labeled with a life priority like family, travel, education, health, and career.

As you casually shuffle the deck, you explain how everyone has different priorities, and no two lives follow the same pattern. But you claim that your test is 100% accurate at predicting the participant’s true priorities.

You invite a spectator to join in the fun. Handing them the packet, you explain that they will choose two priorities for themselves and two for you. After they do that, the participant turns over their cards, expecting to see deep, thoughtful life priorities, but instead, they are greeted with lighthearted, humorous results (just watch the full uncut performance).

This trick will soon become your go-to favorite for casual performances, always guaranteed to leave people smiling and talking about it.

Key Features:

  • Self-working.
  • Resets instantly.
  • Perfect everyday carry (EDC), making it perfect for spontaneous performances.


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