“Strong, visual magic.” -Rick Lax
LOOPS Unseen Forces
Make objects move by Unseen Forces…Imagine making a spoon move across a table without touching it…Or how about make a lemon wedge float from one glass to another…This amazing product comes with 20 invisible elastic bands and a DVD that shows you all of the popular tricks! Magic Makers is greatful to bring you Unseen Forces thanks to Marty Grams… “Thanks Marty!”
iShape by Ilyas Seisov
Espionage Wallet by Kieron Kirkland
Alakazam Magic are Proud to present Kieron Kirkland’s Espionage Wallet
James Chadier – French Connexion
James Chadier is a friend of French genius Mathieu Bich, and this DVD is jam-packed with refreshing material that fooled me badly.
EnclavoR & LiberatoR – DuratY
Two fully-examinable, 24-inch cords pass through each other like smoke, linking and unlinking in increasingly impossible ways, without the benefit of gimmicks, boxes, or difficult sleight-of-hand.
Infected By Arnel Renegado
A coin is borrowed and you put it on spectators palm,then a permanent dot is marked onto the coin,and the dot mark vanishes and when the spectator lifts the coin the dot is now printed on their palm.