Spinning a small item on the tip of your finger is a visceral display of skill, control and years of masterful discipline. But, who has time for all that?
Flash Deck Switch 2.0 by Shin Lim (R Upload Nitroflare)
The Flash Deck Switch allows for a smooth and effortless switch between any two decks of cards.
Silky Trilogy by Justin Miller (R Upload Nitroflare)
There is one fleeting moment in magic we all strive for, that makes all the effort in practice worthwhile – and that’s the instant that makes the audience gasp.
BROKE by James Ivey
BROKE by James Ivey
Alarmed by Noel Qualter & Ade Gower (only Premium)
Alarmed is an incredible prediction effect that ends with your spectator receiving an impossible souvenir.
Alpha Deck by Richard Sanders (only Premium)
The SELF-WORKING, 3-phase miracle…with a mind-blowing ending.
B’Cards by Pablo Amira
“Pablo has put together an assortment of various routines, presentations and subtleties using nothing more than a stack of business cards. Many of the routines are completely impromptu. There are ideas that you can easily always have on hand or can create on the spot with just a pen and your