A Marked Man by Bizzaro

A Marked Man by Bizzaro - dlmgicstore.com

We see them everyday. They’re at our offices, our homes, even our schools. We can’t escape them!

I of course refer to Sharpie Markers. They come in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and colors. Perfect for any various magical effects your twisted mind can devise. Inside these notes you will find tricks and ideas used by Bizzaro. The Optical Illusionist on a regular basis to amaze and amuse the populace at large.

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Nicolas Pierri – Cartas Y Logicas

Cartas y Lógicas por Nicolas Pierri - VideoDescarga

Cartas Y Lógicas es un rutina completamente guionada y estructurada para el deleite de nuestros espectadores con solo dos manos, cuatro cartas y algunas lógicas.

  • Totalmente impromptu.
  • Sin ángulos.
  • Sin antideslizante.
  • ¡Solo Magia!

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50 Famous by Pablo Amira

50 Famous by Pablo Amira

A stack of photos and amazing possibilities with “50 Famous”

Read minds and much more with this!
A stack with the most important persons in history. Your participant chooses one, you can know quickly and easily the one selected.

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Flying Ghost by Mario Tarasini

I present to you a packet miracle!

The Spectator selects one card and signs it.
The Magician picks up the signed card and pushes it through the box.
The magician takes the coin and drops it in the box and..