Late Night at the Tavern by Rannie Raymundo
Brujas y Nigromantes – Felix Brune
Sinopsis (Información obtenida de la Página de la Editorial) Tras siglos de persecución, las brujas al fin pueden mostrarse ante el mundo sin miedo: comparten sus vivencias en la red, se graban practicando hechizos y celebran fiestas exclusivas a las que solo pueden acudir quienes pertenecen al aquelarre. Han sellado una tregua con los nigromantes, y la gente corriente ya no ve en sus peculiares prácticas mágicas una amenaza.
Sabele, una joven bruja, está a punto de presentarse a las pruebas de aprendiz de la Dama que se disputan una vez al año… pero, durante la noche de la elección, se produce un inesperado vuelco
Jeff McBride – Magic At The Edge (3 DVD)
The middle of the Nevada desert. Four hundred square miles of nothing. Not even streets. Just 50,000 people attending the world’s largest art festival. It’s Survival Magic and there are no spectators, only participants in the most extreme conditions imaginable. Welcome to Burning Man and Magic at the Edge! Since the dawn of time, magicians have sought inspiration in the most
Jeff McBride – Zoom, Bounce, And Fly
Learn the inside secrets of card spinning, McBride’s famous floor bouncing, extreme card spin productions, flourishes, card juggling, and much much more!
…taught to you by one of the world’s greatest teachers of magic!
Also included with the DVD, is a special McGrip-Tip SUPER CARD SHOOTER
DVD Contents:
Tic Tac Collection by SpaghettiMagic
Tic Tac Collection by SpaghettiMagic
Jeff McBride – Best Ever Knots Off Silk
You take a silk and tie a knot in it…
then slide the knot off the silk.
This can be repeated again and again!
At the end the silk is shown to have 3 large holes in it! Surefire laughs!
Flik by Alexis De La Fuente
After punching a hole in a SIGNED card, your spectator watches the hole VISUALLY jump from one end of the card to the other with just one FLIK!
- Instantly examinable
- Leave your spectator with an impossible souvenir
- Easy to perform