Back Peddle Fold by Sumer Seth

Image result for Back Peddle Fold by Sumer Seth

Sumer Seth has an odd brain. Putting the harsh winters of Canada to good use, he solved a problem we didn’t know we had.

Traditional ‘Mercury Folds’ use two hands to secretly fold a selection.

But what happens if they’re burning the deck? 

Back Peddle Fold is OUT OF SIGHT. With Sumer’s Back Peddle Fold, you can covertly crease and fold a selection from the top or bottom of the deck, with just one hand.

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Ben Earl – Ramjollock

Image result for Ben Earl - Ramjollock

Ben Earl caused a SENSATION last year when we released his Less is More hardbacked book, as well as his deck-switching treatise. People know him for beautiful and intricate sleight-of-hand. Today we present a new side of Benjamin Earl, with this fantatsic self working card location.

Ramjollock An INSANE magician-fooler, this effect requires absolutely no sleight-of-hand at all. ANY pack can be used and this is what happens: a spectator cuts anywhere into a deck and remembers the card he cut to and IMMEDIATELY replaces the packet back so the full deck is square. The cards are cut and shuffled multiple times by the spectator, and then the selection is

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Lee Earle LIVE ACT

“If you don’t know Lee Earle, you don’t know mentalism!  Lee has been a leading pioneer in originality and promoting others within our craft over the last 30 years. His ideas and improvements have progressed our art in leaps and bounds. When Lee speaks, one would do well to listen.” – Banachek

“Lee’s material is practical and well thought out …he understands the nuances and details that make a strong effect excel.” – Quentin Reynolds

“There is no better teacher in Mentalism than Lee Earle.” – Marc Salem

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David McCreary LIVE ACT

“David is all at once disarming and devious. He will have you laughing all the way to astonishment. Don’t let the goofy exterior fool you, let the magic do that.” – Aaron DeLong

“David McCreary does the kind of comedy magic I love. HIs touches on his stage act are gold for anyone who wants to take their show from good, past great, to incredible.” – Erik Tait

What will he teach?

OPENER – This is David’s comedic prediction opener. It sets the tone for what the rest of the show is going to feel like. It includes 3 random predictions written out on a dry erase board. Two and

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Curtis Kam LIVE ACT

“As always, Curtis brings a devastating clarity to coin magic, providing visual moments of impossibility that are sometimes dizzying to behold. Fearless in his sleight of hand, Curtis also has the key quality that many technicians lack: an intelligent personality that is driven to entertain his audiences. Perhaps most importantly for those who are just starting to study Curtis’s material, he is a “big picture” performer: he carefully choreographs the individual moments that make up a larger routine, he recognizes the subtleties that make such moments work, and he deploys years of psychological and philosophical ruminating that allows all of the pieces to work together as a whole and create truly amazing magic.”- Kainoa Harbottle

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Red Herring by Benjamin Earl

Image result for Red Herring – Benjamin Earl

Ben Earl caused a SENSATION last year when we released his Less is More hardbacked book, as well as his deck-switching treatise. People know him for beautiful and intricate sleight-of-hand. Today we present a new side of Benjamin Earl, with this wonderful method to locate a freely selected card from a completely shuffled deck.

In a completely free manner a pack of cards is shuffled and a card is remembered. The pack is then given any number of shuffles and cuts, and yet the performer is able to instantly find the selected card.

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