Harry Lorayne – The Great Divide

The Great Divide, eBook — Harry Lorayne's Official Magic & Memory Website

The Great Divide is a devious and easy method for culling large and small groups of cards. Imagine being able to separate the cards into reds and blacks while the spectators are burning the deck. This is the power of the Great Divide. Aside from the basics of the move, you’ll also learn a number of well constructed card locations, and a powerful pseudo-memory demonstration. All of this is explained with Lorayne’s typical wit and charm.

The Great Divide has never before been offered as a PDF download. The Conjuring Arts Research Center is proud to have partnered up with Harry Lorayne to be the exclusive retailer of this

$185 challenge by Mike Powers (Video+PDF)

Give your audience a chance to win up to $100 of your money in a super fair board game. They make all the decisions, and all you have to do is follow the instructions. Even though the audience has complete freedom you win every time. This is the $185 Challenge by Mike Powers.

Here’s what happens:

A board with six spaces and a small stack of cards with instructions on it is introduced, along with $185 dollars. All the audience member has to do is put up a dollar. The audience member gets to

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