Petroleum by Max Lukian

A card is chosen, signed, and lost in the deck. The cards are shuffled face up into face down, and shown to be mixed on both sides.

Without any funny moves, you spread the cards and show they are all now facing the right way, except for their chosen card.

Petroleum is the cleanest, most direct triumph effect we have ever seen.

But it’s more than just a triumph effect. It can also be used to perform a stunning version of Oil & Water, in which face up and face down cards separate from one another, starting with just a

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Every Day Carry – The Rick Holcombe Academy

Have you ever struggled with how to integrate your coin magic will everything else you do? How do you get different coin tricks to flow into each other in a logically way?

I have a solution for you! And as a bonus, it packs small and plays big! I’ll teach you the way I think about structuring my magic, stringing routines together, and getting the most out of very little.

I’ll be covering about a dozen items including:

A one coin routine

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DIS INFORMATION by Scott Alexander & Puck

The Plot:


Ok, now that that is out of the way…

You display a few sheets of newspaper and the audience chooses one to work with. You tear the paper in half and they make ALL the decisions as to which half to toss away, and which half to keep;

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Wallet Hacker by Joel Dickinson

Wallet Hacker BLAU by Joel Dickinson :

Instantly transform any standard wallet into a Card to Wallet with Wallet Hacker!

This ingenious gimmick allows you to take your own wallet or EVEN YOUR SPECTATOR’S WALLET and turn it into a powerful utility device at a moment’s notice. Without any difficult sleight of hand or palming, you can make any signed card impossibly appear inside ANY wallet.

Wallet Hacker is easy to use, incredibly fair and super clean. It also resets instantly, making it perfect for table-hopping magicians and street magicians.

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7-7-7-7-7 by Joseph B (Video+PDF)

A really strong packet trick

Look the second version with blank cards So, If you cannot find the gaff cards, you can do it also with blank cards.

This effect is a tribute to the bicycle supreme line. Really amazing! A crescendo of magical effects! Five seven of clubs with red backs mysteriously turn face down one after the other.
Then the magigian shakes the packet and all five seven of clubs instantly change into disorder. And finally the five cards change color on the back.

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