Close Culls by Harapan Ong

Close Culls - Harapan Ong - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

Alongside the double lift and the pinky break, the cull is perhaps the most important move in card magic. Few people do the move correctly, and even fewer use the move for anything other than secretly sorting cards. That all changes with Close Culls.

Singapore’s Harapan Ong is a leading expert on all things cull, and here he teaches the move in gorgeous, photographic detail. Everyone reading will learn the move. And then he explores new and exciting principles with the cull. Finally, he puts it all together with a collection of extraordinary and offbeat effects. This is a definitive treatise on this underused but critical sleight.

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Chad Long – Chad Long’s Magic (3 DVD)

Chad Long's Magic by Chad Long 3 Volume set [abk697433] - $4.22 :

Chad Long’s Magic DVD 1

Black – Red – Blank

A deck is completely shown to the audience. The only problem is that it contains only black cards. Suddenly, all the cards change to red, and then the deck turns blank! Finally, the cards return to normal… I use this all the time to open up a series of card effects.

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The Golden Shells by Bob Kohler

Magic Center Harri Online - Golden Shells by Bob Kohler - DVD  (Nussschalenspiel, Nußschalenspiel)

Bob Kohler’s routine for the Shell Game has become legendary. Why, because Bob’s routine is used by more professional magicians than any other routine of it’s kind. Bob’s routine has been honed through thousands of live performances for paying audiences.

What makes it so great? The psychology is built in. Bob’s choreography and patter are designed so that the performer knows which shell the spectator will choose each and every time! This lets you concentrate on the performance so you get the standing ovation you deserve.

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The someone who were really pissed-off

as the cafe was closed due to the Covid-19

The genuine nerdy skilled magician arrived.

It’s of visuals.. but difficult.. however, as of visuals..

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The team at Craziest introduces you to an open prediction as you have never seen before!

With Ripped Travel you will be able to change the shape of a card in the most visual way you could imagine. Once you change it, you will be able to hand out the card to the spectator without any problem, giving them an amazing souvenir they will never forget!

What we like the most about this effect is the new system that allows you to lock the gimmick and have it “open” on the table or even throw it in the air before the “magic” happens.

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