10 IN 1 SHUFFLE by Joseph B

This is Joseph B.’s version of stacking ten hands of poker with one shuffle!
It is possible to do all this completely impromptu and with a borrowed deck. If you are interested in gambling and want to impress some players this effect is for you. This tutorial explains how to perform the method. The necessary false deals are not explained.
However, the method is structured in order to facilitate the technical steps and if you have a minimum of familiarity with false deals it is not a problem.

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Andy Nyman – Foreseen



New York, NY • Lock the door behind you and draw the curtains; some mysteries are meant only for a privileged few. Open the pages of Foreseen and you’ll discover a secret, really a series of secrets, from one of mentalism’s foremost exponents. The pen of Mr. Nyman discloses his reputation-making finale after decades of performance. Kind is he not only to disclose the exact workings

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With Rocco’s new FLIPP-TIPP, you will have the ability to instantly produce various objects like silks,bills and even glitter from your fingertips while showing your hands completely empty!

But wait, there’s so much more that you can do with this unique little device. You will have the ability to do color changing silks, bill switches and even vanish a silk into the Palm of your hand and make it instantly reappear at another location like someone’s pocket, purse or even on the top of their head!

Those are only a few effects that you can perform. With Rocco’s new FLIPP-TIPP the possibilities are endless!

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Deceit Treat by Cameron Francis

Acar’s notes: My favorite part of the presentation is where you have the spectator try to find their own card, so they really get a sense of how hard it is to do what you’re about to do. What a sweet, brilliant touch by Cameron.

A stunning miracle with a BORROWED SHUFFLED deck. Deceit Treat is an effect that you will immediately want to perform. The secret is satisfying and the effect is completely impossible.

A borrowed shuffled deck is cut into three packets. They choose whichever packet they want, it’s a completely free choice. A card is freely selected from that packet and shuffled back in. The

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