Father Alex on Hand Mucking by Father Alex

Father Alex on Hand Mucking - Father Alex - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

The HIT of this year’s The Session was seeing Father Alex (a high-ranking Priest in Paris, who also happens to be a world expert in cheating sleight-of-hand) demonstrate THREE hand-mucks to switch one tabled card for another.

Widely regarded as one of the hardest moves at the gaming table, hand-mucking is a way, with one hand, to switch a tabled card (or cards) for palmed cards. Here, he shows THREE different methods—one highly original—that allow you to switch tabled cards. One of them is easy enough to master in one sitting, and in another, you create a double right in front of the audience.

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This is Joseph B.’s version of stacking ten hands of poker with one shuffle!
It is possible to do all this completely impromptu and with a borrowed deck. If you are interested in gambling and want to impress some players this effect is for you. This tutorial explains how to perform the method. The necessary false deals are not explained.
However, the method is structured in order to facilitate the technical steps and if you have a minimum of familiarity with false deals it is not a problem.

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THE CRAG by Joseph B

The Crag is a truly fascinating effect built through continuous surprises and twists.
The magician has a blue deck in his hands and asks the spectator to touch four cards freely. After the spectator has chosen four cards, the magician shows him which cards they are. The spectator names one of the four cards and incredibly it is the only card that has a different colored back. At this point the twists begin because the magician shows that even if the spectator had chosen another card, this would also have had a different back. So the effect continues by showing that the spectator’s cards change their backs one after the other and in the end they all have a different

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