David Copperfield’s History of Magic by David Copperfield, Richard Wiseman and David Britland

An illustrated, illuminating insight into the world of illusion from the world’s greatest and most successful magician, capturing its audacious and inventive practitioners, and showcasing the art form’s most famous artifacts housed at David Copperfield’s secret museum.

In this personal journey through a unique and remarkable performing art, David Copperfield profiles twenty-eight of the world’s most groundbreaking magicians. From the 16th-century magistrate who wrote the first book on conjuring to the roaring twenties and the man who fooled Houdini, to the woman who levitated, vanished, and caught bullets in her teeth, David

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Epiphanies by Colin McLeod

For the last two years, Colin McLeod has been off the radar. He’s been working hard behind the scenes on his real world performances, both for TV and stages around the world.

What you’ll learn in this book is the material he’s been refining during that time. These are the real methods, concepts and ideas that he uses to stand out from the crowd.

He’s taken classics of Mentalism and literally flipped them on their head. You’re guaranteed to be reading minds and predicting events in ways you’ll have never dreamt of before.

Thought Square

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Cubed Card by Catanzarito Magic

Perform 5 Amazing Magic Effects with a Single Business-Sized Card!

New from Catanzarito Magic comes Cubed Card – a single business-sized card you can carry with you at all times. Now you can be prepared to perform 5 amazing magic effects at any time! Cubed Card contains the images of 48 dice (24 on each side) and you can get 10 full minutes of great effects! One of the effects allows you the option to text your prediction to your spectator – after your performance you can send them a link to your website, Facebook, etc. and get more gigs!

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Picture by Julio Montoro and Gentlemen’s Magic

An impossible change, right under their eyes

With Picture you can clearly show a card to your spectators, fold it and place it at your fingertips to instantly unfold it and show that the card has changed. WTF?

A card can change to another, a blank card can become printed… the possibilities are endless and not only applicable to cards!

Imagine showing a card to a spectator, just before putting it folded in his pocket. When you desire, just ask him to take it out and open it… the card has changed.

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