Nakiri By Docc Hilford (ALL 6 Video)


NAKIRI is a NEW cutting edge billet reading system.

The very best attributes of a

  • Billet switch,
  • Peek Wallet and

  • Center Tear

All in an unprepared card.

This is an original and NEW concept in billet reading.

You get a full instructional video MP4 file.

Everything you need to know shown in Step-by-Step video details.


You’ll be using this system tonight!

NOTICE: Order now and there are 5 Bonus videos included FREE!

  • SwitchBlade Billet Read – MP4 Video
  • SwitchBlade Audio Podcast – MP4 Audio/Video
  • SwitchBlade Tricks Podcast – MP4 Audio/Video
  • SwitchBlade Live Chat MP4 – Audio/Video


  • Docc Talk 424 (April 2024) The Philosophy of Billets – MP4 Video

All included in the purchase of NAKIRI

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