Mental Thoughts Vol 1 by Kassim Beydoun

2023 Mental Thoughts by Kassim Vol.1-3- Magic Tricks - AliExpress

FREE WILL- this is in my opinion the cleanest version of free will. No equivoque and no outs. The prediction is never switched and can be in the spectators pocket. The principle can be used for so many other things.

WORD GUESS- the spectator writes down a word and you can divine it without ever touching the billet. He doesn’t even have to write it. He can just think it and you will still be able to divine it in a matter of seconds.

WORD PREDICTION- The spectator writes down a word. You pull a prediction out of your pocket and it matches.

PROPLESS NAME GUESS- You divine a thought of name.

DFB- My presentation for digital force bag.

THINK A CARD- Spread the cards face up on the table. Have someone just think of a card. Divine it in seconds. Looks extremely fair.


  1. Could you upload James Swain Miracles With Cards?

  2. Brilliant information here! Hopefully you wont stop the flow of such magical material!

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