Dai VernonAn Interview 1974 This interview took place at the Magic Castle, Hollywood, California, on Dai Vernon`s 80th Birthday, June 11, 1974.The California artist Tony Delap brought Dai a deck of cards he had recently designed, and asked his friend, artist Jay McCafferty, to do the camera work. Jay was a recent graduate from the Art Department at the University of California at Irvine where Tony was teaching, and was experimenting with black and white video. It was a new medium for the artists.Dai and Tony talked for many hours. All of the qualities that have made Vernon a legend of magic are in these rare tapes. False shuffles, the cups and balls, cards up the sleeve, stories of gamblers, magicians, philosophy and the art of magic-all the energy and wit of this
century`s greatest proponent of “natural magic”.These beautiful tapes have been edited and technically enhanced, with the help of Joe Leonardi, into two black and white videotapes, each with a running time of 58 minutes!
Good ggdsdop My comment is short? Your comment is so long it’s a lesson to me
My comment is short? Your comment is so long it’s a lesson to me