It makes little difference whether you are tying to learn the Chinese linking Rings or anything else in magic; clear understanding of what you are trying to accomplish makes it easier to learn correctly and accelerate your progress.
Studying this download will allow the beginner to build the foundation onto which he may construct a routine. Or, he may wish to learn all or part of the routine demonstrated on this download. Those well acquainted with manipulating the rings will discover a number of subtle features that my be incorporated into their existing
Aside from the various counts, figures, configurations and moves to link and unlink all the rings, this download teaches the psychology and artistry involved to effectively present this ancient Chinese mystery.
Contents Include:
Key Rings
Counts (Drop&Odin)
Two-Ring Links
Crash Link
Twisting Link & Unlink
Swing Link
Pull-through Unlink
Turning the Rings
Spinning the Rings (Two Methods)
Mid-Air Three Ring Link
Three Ring Unlink
Rink’s Interlude
Four Ring Links
Falling Ring (Two Methods)
Two in Two & Eight Places
Five Rings
Linking Six Rings
Endings (Vernon & Rink)
Threadbone Link
Mid-Air Link
Spinning Crash
Oversize Ring
Spectator Crash
…and much much more