Palm Sandwich – Progressive three card sandwich – Three Cards Selected then found one at a time between the jokers. The last one is a doozie!
Pocket Rocket – A card to pocket boxed up and fast!
Plunger Aces – Four aces lost and found: one handed face up second deal. (A special mention of Tony Econ whom also had the same idea and have me his blessing to teach and publish my ideas)
Angled Prediction – Single card open prediction using a new control/switch
Blind triumph – Tie blindfold triumph
Tri-angle – Triumph using angle switch. First version is done in performance then I’ll teach a visual correction of the finale.
Squeeze change – single to multi card change using a two finger squeeze method.
Rope a dope – Three rope transition with kick back. Three different size ropes switch places instantly then they all stretch to the same size. One vanishes only to appear back where it started from! Money
Pa$$ing Notes – Two borrowed bill interlocked pass trough each other.
Okito – Four coins impossibly penetrate a solid brass box then you won’t believe what happens next!
Scotch and Soda hold the scotch – A full routine where you end clean and inspect-able
3 hanger – Three coin hanging coin routine using a split coin
Jumpring – a finger ring routine where the ring moves from finger to finger in a flash!
Chop Cup routine – talk about the routining and the pouch
Who is he?
Chastain has performed all over the Eastern Seaboards to the Midwest -offering his lecture to magic Clubs and Groups with great response. Chastain Criswell is a magic inventor with many magic tricks in print (Linking Ring, Magic Magazine, Juggle Magazine, and Semi Automatic Card Tricks) as well as for sale to the magic community (Tag, Deface, Barely Chewed, and Cartel Coins). Chastain has been performing professionally for over 21 years, and has won multiple magic competitions. Most recently Chastain has performed at the Wizardz Magic Theater in Kissimmee, Florida, Hank Lees Conclave, Weekend Of Wonder, invited to Fechters but didn’t attend so now he’s back in line, Tannens Magic, New York, NY, Magic Dove theater Cocoa Beach, FL and Magic Emporium Tampa, FL.
Chastain specializes in stage, comedy stand up magic, and close up magic, which makes him a well rounded performer.