Magic Package

Eric Buss LIVE

“I have had the honour of being Eric’s friend for more than half my life. His never ending flow of creativity amazes me and I believe this online lecture will benefit all magicians. I’m super surprised and excited that he’s teaching Party Popper Prediction!” -Shawn Farquhar
“Eric Buss surprises me all the time with his creative and very funny approach to magic. He took one of my effects and made it better than the original. Honestly that’s a little annoying, but I will be first in line to see this lecture!!!” -Kevin James

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Zee J. Yan LIVE

“Zee is one of the BEST sleight of hand artist I have ever known.” -Henry Harrius (FISM Award Winner)

“It’s been said that you should practice until the difficult becomes easy, and the easy becomes beautiful. Zee has made the beautiful Immaculate.” -Eric Jones (AGT Semifinalist)

“Zee has a real soft touch with coins, and that is the exact KEY objective of my work. I love his magic!” -Lawrens Godon

“Zee is a prodigy. Hands down one of the best sleight of hand artists and creators of our generation. He continues to inspire me today with his smooth hands and beautiful approach to

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Allan Kronzek LIVE

“Tune in, turn on, and raise your game. This is a master class by a highly experienced Wizard who knows what people like. I love everything Allan puts out.”- Will Fern

“I have been a fan of Allan’s magic for decades. He has the ability to take a deceptive method and make it an incredibly compelling piece of theater. You can’t help but be a better magician after watching him work.”- Nate Kranzo

“These are presentations that engage and extract an emotional response rather than merely play before an audience that has nothing to do but sit and watch. Allan teaches the tricks well and

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Diamond Jim Tyler LIVE 2

Where can you see the greatest creators and performers share their magic in front of a live audience and then teach you to do it? Only Penguin LIVE!

Magicians flock to see workers give talks. Why? Because these guys see and learn things that you won’t find in any book or video. Yes, you’ll be learning some incredibly powerful A-material, but the INVALUABLE stuff will be the insight you learn along the way.


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Joe Monti LIVE

“Joe Monti is a real worker and a great guy and the sort of person you want to hang out with because just being around him you will pick up things that will make you a better entertainer. If he is lecturing anywhere you can get to, go see him.” -Eric Henning

“I’ve had many entertainers work for me. Mr. Monti is by far the most professional and is THE most requested act I’ve ever had.” -Columbia Pictures Studio Executive

“I thought Joe was out of my price range but he worked with me to make it work. After his show I realized he should have charged me more. Great!” -CEO Direct Network TV
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Jeff Kaylor LIVE

“Jeff will fool you with his magic, amaze you with innovative methods and he’ll wrap it all in a performance package that’s easy to love!” – Michael Ammar

“Innovative. Ground breaking. Inspiring. Jeff Kaylor is all of these things and more to me. One of my favorite people on this planet.” – Bill Abbott

“Jeff Kaylor is my type of entertainer. He creates solid close up and stand up material for the real world working performer. He has a unique talent for producing strong effects, using ingenious methods, that always have a commercial appeal. If you have the opportunity to see Jeff lecture, seize it!” – Cody S. Fisher

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John Carey LIVE

“John Carey is on a mission to eliminate the unnecessary. This absence of clutter results in 
magic that is direct, powerful and simple to perform.” – Ryan Schlutz.

“I’m always very excited to see what John has up his sleeve. Practical, working material at its 
finest!” – Jason Dean

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