Magic Package

Jeffrey Wang LIVE

“Jeffrey does beautiful coin magic with his innovative sleights! You are gonna love his work.” -Eric Jones

“Watching Jeffrey perform from behind is an eye opener. Never have I seen anyone manipulate coins like this. This is what we call in Chinese a true 变态.” -Eric Chien

“Jeffrey Wang’s Coin magic is stunning.  It makes me think that I’m wearing a VR headset and looking at some type of trick photography. Then I remember we’re just sitting in a restaurant and what he’s doing is real and I get mad for all the right reasons.” -Erik Tait

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Apollo Riego LIVE

“Apollo is a polished performer with some wonderfully creative ideas! It would be in your best interest to pick this up, study it, and apply these ideas to your own act!” -Michael O’Brien

“Apollo is a rare breed in magic. Mixing his modern style with vintage mechanics, Apollo creates truly unique moments of magic. Taking street magic style and making it play well on stage is difficult… yet Apollo nails it every time!” -John Stessel

“Great touches on classic routines. A worker’s delight!” -Joshua Messado

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Mark Zacharia LIVE

“If more magicians knew what Mark Zacharia knows about restaurant magic, more magicians would be in business.  Mark’s lecture clearly reflects the years of experience he’s had performing close-up magic at restaurants. You’ll learn some great magic and get great advice from a pro.” –Kostya Kimlat
“Mark Zacharia’s lecture offers some of the best advice to approaching presenting magic as a close-up magician as you are going to find.” -Garrett Thomas
“Mark Zacharia is an excellent performer who has analyzed, re-worked and optimized his magic effects over hundreds of performances.” -David Corsaro

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Rafael Benatar LIVE 2 (Re Upload)

“He possesses that essential factor that separates the outstanding magician from all the others: charm. He will amaze and astonish you but you are so charmed by his personality that you could not possibly resent it.”– Charles Reynolds, GENII

“Great hands, great intelligence, great feeling.”– Juan Tamariz

“Rafael Benatar gently and seductively insinuates his enchantments into an audience’s collective consciousness. He does not pummel audiences with puzzles or vex them with bewilderments.

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Martin Braessas LIVE

What will he teach?

Fire Coins- A perfect opener for your show where the magician plucks a flame from a candle and transforms it into coins. Then, one at a time each coin vanishes. A musical routine that can be performed both in person or online.

TriSandwich- A hyper visual routine where 3 cards appear between the jokers under impossible conditions. Very easy to do, and extremely magical.

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At The Table Live Lecture by Kainoa Harbottle

At The Table Live Lecture Kainoa Harbottle - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

You might remember his strange name from Palms of Steel or the New York Coin Magic Symposiums, seen him online at Reel Magic Magazine, or read his column in the pages of Genii. No matter how you know Kainoa Harbottle’s material, you also know he brings with him an engaging personality, an off-beat sense of humor, and some of the cleanest coin magic you will ever see.

Originally hailing from Honolulu, Hawaii, Kainoa grew up “in the trenches,” performing close-up magic in the hotels of Waikiki and the outer islands. He eventually moved to Los Angeles, where he was a Junior Member at the Magic Castle, and then headed further east, teaching for over a decade in the University of Delaware’s English and Theater Departments while finishing a

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At The Table Live Lecture by Josh Janousky

A rising star in magic, Josh Janousky has earned a reputation for sharing material that is both extremely clever and highly workable. Josh’s magic can be found in the working repertoires of many industry legends and has been tested in real world situations thousands of times! At just 27 years old, he has taken the world of magic by storm and shows no signs of slowing down. Let us welcome Josh Janousky in this unique, never-to-be-repeated experience At The Table! Some of the things you’ll learn:

IG: Josh’s hit Instagram prediction with new handlings and ideas. Predict anything about your spectator, months in advance.

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