Magic Package

Alexandra Duvivier LIVE

“I have always been a big fan in secret for years and years. She is the best female sleight of hand artist of all time. I don’t know a huge amount about anything, but one thing I know a lot about is sleight of hand. And I know I’m not wrong.” –Chris Kenner

“With the Penn&Teller Fool Us Fooler award, multiple other trophies and solo shows to her credit, she has built a resume that any magician would envy. But most importantly, she has been referenced by countless men and women, proving the immense impact she has had and continues to have, breaking down barriers for the next generation.” –Vanishing Inc

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Christopher Carter LIVE 2

“I’ve know Christopher since many years, have seen him live in performances and lecturing – and gosh, is he good! I adore his thinking and routining immensely. One of the best pros I’ve ever seen! If you cannot learn from him, who could help you? He is not only a fantastic performer, but also a great teacher. Get his lecture as soon as possible!” -Jan Forster

“Chris’s first Penguin Live lecture is one of the elite few that I refer back to on a regular basis. He gifted us all with the total package -practical advice, brilliant thinking, refined presentations, bullet-proof methods, and entertaining real-world performance footage. If you own that lecture, the “sequel” is a no-brainer. If you don’t yet have it, do your yourself a favor and invest in both!

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Kieron Johnson LIVE 2 (Video+PDF)

“Such brilliant, mad, obsessive thinking that has created spectacular effects. You are a true one off. Keep up the brilliant work!” – Andy Nyman

“A polar vortex has hit the magic world.” – Wayne Dobson 

“Kieron is a genius.” – Fay Presto

“There’s close up magic, stage magic, and then there is Kieron’s magic. His unassuming child like persona just sets you up to blow you away with his ingenious magic and incredible methods.

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Henri White LIVE

“What does Henri do? What doesn’t he do? He is my go to source for everything. As far as magic is concerned his knowledge is encyclopedic and his skills are extraordinary.” -Fay Presto

“I’m convinced that Henri has been born into the wrong century. In an era where magicians typically focus on instant gratification and poorly thought out ideas, Henri bucks that trend and takes us back to a time where creators actually thought about their creations. His material is powerful, hard hitting and multilayered. More importantly watching him learn and teach really makes you think about your magic and how to actually be a real magician.

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Tom Gaddis teaches Ron Bauer LIVE (Video+PDF)

“The Ron Bauer Private Studies Series is a course which will make you a better magician… period.” Tim Trono

“Ron Bauer’s Private Studies Series contains some of the cleverest, commercial routines that I have witnessed-each booklet is truly a gem. Ron is to be highly commended for making such a unique series available.” -Tom Gagnon

“This is the lecture I’ve been waiting for! I’ve seen Tom perform most all of these routines and they are gold! The magic is strong the routining is flawless and the entertainment value is top

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Benjamin Barnes LIVE

What will he teach?

Nous Savons- An unbelievable card location that defies explanation.

Ambitious Card- Everyone knows the effect Benjamin shares a way to perform it so that it is increasingly more impossible as the routine progresses. And it ends in their hands.
Top Change- Eugene Burger’s Fabulous Effect Improved. Spectator selects a card, another spectator tries to find it.

Spidey LIVE (Video+PDF)

“You Killed us with that trick! Brilliant!” -Penn&Teller

“You’re Awesome!” -Jennifer Lopez

“Spidey is one of the special kind of creators that actually tests, refines and delivers workable, practical and all around killer routines to the community on the regular. I can’t wait to dive into this lecture!”-Adam WilberPenguin Lecture of the Year 2021 WINNER

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