Magic Package

Reynold Alexander LIVE ACT (Penguin LIVE) (only Premium)

“Reynold Alexander is a wonderful magician and has an eye for detail.” – David Copperfield

“Reynold is a hidden gem from Puerto Rico whose lecture has a little something for everyone.
Plus, everything he shares (Close-Up to Stand-Up) is thoroughly audience-tested from his
professional repertoire!”
 – Gregory Wilson

“Reynold is a very resourceful magician whose effects are well thought out and highly commercial.”  -Levent

“I can always rely on my pal Reynold Alexander for a clever, deceptive, new trick. He always amazes me and he will amaze you.” -Joshua Jay

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Gregory Wilson LIVE (Penguin LIVE)

“Gregory Wilson delivers the full package—world class talent, charm and enough performance chops to stand out in any line up!” -Michael Ammar

“Gregory Wilson is one of the very best when it comes to hard-core, knuckle-busting sleight of hand. He can do it all. Clearly, one of the most talented performers anytime, anywhere.” -Dean Dill

“Gregory Wilson is a bottomless well of ideas, lines and tricks. I love the way he thinks about his magic. His enthusiasm when performing is absolutely infectious. He is one of magic’s treasures.” -Doc Eason

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Sebastian LIVE ACT (Penguin LIVE) (only Premium)

“A confident performance style and powerful magic” -Kostya Kimlat

“Sebastian is one of Orlando’s best kept secrets” -Ryan Schlutz

“A brilliant thinker with great ideas” -Erik Casey

What will he teach?

Mental Card Act:

Shake Change- Sebastian’s updated handling for a classic sleight which has blown away some of the biggest names in magic.

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At The Table Live Lecture by Chris Rawlins

“Chris is the real deal. Original presentations that will grab your audiences and not let go. Highly recommended.” 
– Bob Cassidy 

“Chris is a creative, original thinker and a truly great performer, his skills and talents mesmerized me. I highly recommend you all to see him in action.” 
– Uri Geller 

“I’m a fan of Chris Rawlins. He knows how to create amazement and he will inspire you to do the same!” 
– Marc Paul 

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Anthony Owen LIVE ACT (Penguin LIVE) (only Premium)

“Anthony Owen is an unsung genius.”– Derren Brown

“One of the greatest minds ever to have graced British magic.”– Andy Nyman

“One of the cleverest people on the planet.”– Michael Close

(About his book SECRETS) “A book of reputation makers from the man responsible for some of magic’s greatest reputations.”– Piff the Magic Dragon, Las Vegas headliner.

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Marc Paul LIVE ACT (Penguin LIVE) (only Premium)

“Marc Paul is one of my absolute favourite performers! I’ve seen Marc perform on a number of occasions and every time I do I always remind myself that I need to up my game. Quick witted, inspirational and entertaining – The man is a machine!”– Peter Turner

“My absolute favourite creator of mentalism that has a strong impact and deviously streamline method. Seriously solid working material!” Paul Brook

“Marc Paul is one of my favourite mentalists. The others are Jermay, Weber, Cassidy, Maven and Fida so he’s in good company! Marc is super smart, super slick and a true working professional. Good things do come in threes!” Chris Rawlins

“Marc can always be relied upon to deliver strong, commercial material that is an absolute joy to perform. His methods are straightforward, fooling and 100% bullet-proof. Whether you are a hobbyist or a full-time professional, this material is solid gold! I’m a huge Marc Paul fan and after watching his lecture, you will be too!”– Iain Moran

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