“Larry Hass is an inspiring teacher and a joyful man to know.” – Teller
“Thank you, Larry, for doing so much to help raise the intellectual level of our beloved Art of Magic!” – Juan Tamariz
“Larry Hass is an inspiring teacher and a joyful man to know.” – Teller
“Thank you, Larry, for doing so much to help raise the intellectual level of our beloved Art of Magic!” – Juan Tamariz
“Every generation needs someone to come along and reinvent mentalism for contemporary audiences, bringing the art up to date and re-imagining how it can be presented and performed. That’s what Timothy Krass is doing, and he does it superbly well.
“Nathan is sharing strong solid routines that are of use to any magician, but especially those that wish to perform stand up. There is great thinking here worthy of your time” -Jon Armstrong
Steve Rowe has literally exploded onto the magic scene in the last 5 years. Not only is his magic practical, it has also been worked and refined to perfection. His unique approach to organic magic is sure to make an impact on your own working set.
“Drew is a consummate pro in all respects – meticulous about every aspect of his show, careful to establish and nurture the who, the why, and the how in a way that doesn’t simply deliver entertaining mentalism only, but allows you to experience true theater.” – Atlas Brookings
“Seth Kramer is the real deal. He has a lifetime of experiences performing for real people in the real world for real money. If you are looking for clever gimmicks and impractical sleights,
“The magic of Manuel Llaser is strong, clever, intelligent, professional magic. Everything is good!” –Juan Tamariz
“Manuel Llaser is one of my favorite magicians in the whole world. He not only has great ideas, well tested in multiple performances all over the world, but also has a unique and potent personality, and has natural entertainer skills. Really, follow my recommendation. Do not miss Manuel Llaser’s Penguin Live Act!” –Woody Aragon