Magic Package

Bernardo Sedlacek LIVE

What will he teach?

The Tantalizer- A card is selected and returned to the middle. The deck is then dealt in two piles. One of the piles is dealt again and again until there’s one card left. It is revealed to be the selection the selection.

Reversed- The deck is shuffled under the table and one card is selected and reversed in the deck. The deck is put back inside the box. All under the table. The magician is able to divinate which

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Josh Burch LIVE (Video+PDF)

“Josh Burch thinks up tricks that REALLY WORK. He’s one of my favorite creators.” -Rick Lax

“Josh Burch thinks deeply about his magic. He’s focused on creating visual and highly interactive material that is easy to perform yet can fill a stage with family-friendly fun. Watch as he takes standard ideas and puts a personal creative spin on them to make each a unique original.” -Paul Draper

“With so much close-up and card magic on the market today, it is extremely refreshing to see strong and original stand-up material performed with such interesting props. Water Gun Roulette,

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Scott Alexander and Dan Harlan – Penguin Live 4

“The magic of your words touched everyone.” –Oprah

“This guy is pure showmanship.” –Piers Morgan

Scott sports and amiable, self-deprecating stage presence as he does tricks only magic aficionados are likely to have seen elsewhere.” –Las Vegas Review Journal

”Wow…I’ve never seen magic like that before.” –Michael Jackson

“Very unique and different for a magician.” –Sharon Osborne

“I’ve seen levitation before but not like that. Amazing!” –Howie Mandel

“Wow, you guys are still applauding? Maybe we should bring the magician back out here.” –Dennis Miller

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David and Jacob Rangel LIVE

“From the moment the Rangels hit the stage, they bring extraordinary and contagious energy. They are original, true to themselves, and work together in perfect and hilarious harmony. It’s a double-generational experience like no other, and the magic world is so lucky to have what Dave and Jake they bring to the table.” -Mario “the Maker Magician” Marchese

“Finding another father and son magic act as great these two, is almost impossible. They set the bar for future family acts, and for now, they wear the crown!” -Marcus Eddie

“David and Jacob have the unique ability to entertain me while also fooling me. Jacob makes me laugh harder than almost anyone in magic and that old guy that drives him to the gigs is also

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Kieron Johnson LIVE 2 (Video+PDF)

“Such brilliant, mad, obsessive thinking that has created spectacular effects. You are a true one off. Keep up the brilliant work!” – Andy Nyman

“A polar vortex has hit the magic world.” – Wayne Dobson 

“Kieron is a genius.” – Fay Presto

“There’s close up magic, stage magic, and then there is Kieron’s magic. His unassuming child like persona just sets you up to blow you away with his ingenious magic and incredible methods.

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David Jonathan LIVE (Video+PDF)

“David is one of my favorite creators in the whole of the magic world. He has an uncanny ability to streamline and simplify effects whilst making them incredibly powerful and multilayered. Many of the tricks I perform in my working sets have been his creations. His material is strong, commercial and incredibly well structured. David’s Penguin Live is destined to become one of the best the platform has ever seen.” -Craig Petty

“David invents the kind of magic I love performing. Smart plots, fun methods and diabolically fooling material!” -Adam Wilber

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Kim Andersen LIVE

“I love watching Kim do magic. He is one of the most inventive and skilled magicians out there. A must watch” -Andy Nyman

“Kim Andersen is an absolutely incredible magician. He has a very rare skill where he can perform very difficult sleight of hand and make it look effortless. More importantly he is engaging and very funny.
I cannot wait to watch his Penguin Live I know I will be learning a stack of hard hitting incredible material”-Craig Petty

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