“Michael O’Brien has proven himself to be a master of the rings and I cannot think of a better
teacher than him. His performance is a work of art. So sit back, relax and watch an expert
perform some of the best routines you are ever likely to see.” -Matthew Garrett (UK | 2010 Magic Circle Closeup Magician of the Year | Creator of NINJA+)
“This is the best version of the Chinese Linking Rings I have ever seen. The fact that I get to
touch and participate in all of this; it felt like a better dance than I have ever seen. That was just
a delight.” –Brian Brushwood, (USA | Scam School)
“Triumph is a very powerful plot in magic. ‘Tour de Force’ is a beautiful, simple handling of that
effect.” -Jonathan Bayme (USA | Theory 11 CEO)
“Michael O’Brien is a real world working magician. When it comes to close up magic, he is a
consummate professional through and through. His Pokemon card trick has been a part of my
family strolling set for over a year!” -Cody Fisher, USA
“This [Tour de Force] is one of the most practical Triumph routines I’ve seen and well worth
learning and adding to your repertoire. This is very highly recommended.” -Paul Romhany (USA | Vanish Magazine)
“Michael is an inventive thinker, creator, and storyteller.” -John Gustaferro, USA
“A natural showman, Michael has the ability to wow an audience effortlessly, and well, his magic speaks for itself, simply beautiful, each trick is a worker’s dream!” -Damien O’Brien (UK | BBC’s Killer Magic)
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