Magic Package

Jeremiah Zuo LIVE

FINALLY! That is not just me shouting, it is the collective voices of magicians around the world who have witnessed Jeremiah’s coin magic. This is not hype or hyperbole, it is simply a fact. I have witnessed countless magicians, including some of the very best, flock to Jeremiah to learn the Drop after they have seen him perform… Jeremiah describes himself as a “magic fan.” I describe myself as a “Jeremiah fan.”– Tom Dobrowolski

[The Institutes] is the best collection of effective and intelligent coin magic you’ll ever see from a guy who refuses to call himself a coin magician. Can’t believe Jeremiah is going to tip this stuff. I thought it was going to stay hidden away from the magic world forever! – Curtis Kam

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Robert Moreland LIVE

“I’m always blown away by Robbie Moreland’s work. His methods are well thought out and pure magic. You’d be insane not to buy anything he parts ways with!” –Jordan Amystika

“Robert Moreland saved my life in Vietnam. A decision we have both pondered the sanity of.” – Anthony Miller, Leather Master 

“Robert Moreland transcends the usual inane patter that plagues this genre and emerges as a true storyteller and entertainer; one who just happens to be mindbogglingly good at magic.” – Travis Eaton,Actor/Director

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Docc Hilford LIVE 2

“If you already know how theatrically smart and methodologically devious Docc Hilford can be, I don’t have to tell you that his live lectures are “don’t miss” events. If you have never encountered the good Docc-tor before, you are in for the very best kinds of surprises.” -Michael Weber

“Docc Hilford is unique in the world of mentalism. A prolific creator and author, he’s successfully combined traditional mentalism with elements of bizarre magic and purely “psychic” presentations. He’s bold and dynamic with an imposing presence that, nonetheless, remains very approachable. He’s also a good friend and I like the way he thinks.” -Bob Cassidy

“Docc is a living legend. He has seeded the mentalism/magic world with originality, class, brilliance, linguistic finesse, and supreme cool. He cannot teach you to be Docc , that is DNA , but if he

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Mark Calabrese LIVE 2

“Mark Calabrese is the real deal. Sure, he’s been putting out clever and original commercial releases for years. Yeah, he has killer sleight-of-hand chops, particularly when it comes to card table artifice (you have to see him do false deals to truly appreciate what you won’t see). But what really impresses me about Mark is that he is a real-world working entertainer: polished and professional, charming and funny, I love watching him perform for the public. Put it all together and you see why I mean it when I say: Mark Calabrese is the real deal.” -Jamy Ian Swiss

“Mark is every bit as cleaver and skilled as he is tattooed. An Illustrated Man of Mystery. Whose work and knowledge is worth your attention.” -Jon Armstrong

“Mark Calabrese is one of my favorite creators. His ideas are fully thought out, practical, and completely ingenious. If you want magic that absolutely destroys people, Mark is your guy. I

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Roberto Giobbi LIVE 2

“Roberto Giobbi’s brilliant lectures are clear and pedagogical, based on immense knowledge in magic. Roberto Giobbi is a true connoisseur in many fields. He doesn’t serve you a quick meal. Rather his menu in magic begins with a tasteful starter, followed by a powerful main course and an exciting dessert. When he talks you listen and when he handles the cards he really catches your attention and creates the essence of attractive magic. Roberto Giobbi’s card work can be characterized in a few words: Elegant simplicity with economizing of moves, delicate misdirection guided by a powerful logic story.” – Lennart Green

“Roberto – You are an inspiration to thinking magicians everywhere.” – Pete McCabe

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Roberto Giobbi LIVE

Roberto Giobbi LIVE Instant Download

“Roberto Giobbi’s brilliant lectures are clear and pedagogical, based on immense knowledge in magic. Roberto Giobbi is a true connoisseur in many fields. He doesn’t serve you a quick meal. Rather his menu in magic begins with a tasteful starter, followed by a powerful main course and an exciting dessert. When he talks you listen and when he handles the cards he really catches your attention and creates the essence of attractive magic. Roberto Giobbi’s card work can be characterized in a few words: Elegant simplicity with economizing of moves, delicate misdirection guided by a powerful logic story.” -Lennart Green

“Roberto – You are an inspiration to thinking magicians everywhere.” -Pete McCabe

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Erik Tait LIVE ACT

“A surrealist twist on a classic that updates an already powerful routine for a modern audience. The first time I saw this act was during a two hour gala show, I remember almost nothing of the rest of the show but I can still recall every beat of this. Just buy it already!” -Carissa Hendrix

“Erik Tait does card magic that I love. Why? Because it’s entertaining and he is not afraid to use the right tool for the job.”– Jon Armstrong

“Erik is a beast.”– Brent Braun

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