Magic Package

Mario the Maker Magician LIVE

“The best kid’s magician in the world!” -David Blaine

What will he teach?

Shoelace- A shoelace from one of Mario’s shoe vanishes, changes color, flies across the stage, and reappears tied back on the shoe.

Bottle Cap Award Ribbon- An award medal travels from my hand to my pocket and back. All the small bits are there to create big arguments between Mario and the kids watching. When

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Joe Diamond LIVE

“Joe Diamond is a living legend. He is everything that is right with magic!” -Brian Brushwood

“Joe Diamond is dedicated to the art of mentalism, he’s a top flight performer, he studies and cares about mentalism, and he also willingly shares his time with others who could benefit from his guidance.” -Ken Weber

“As a guest on Joe Diamond’s weekly radio show years ago I saw first-hand how well he engages the listeners. He knows how to script and stage compelling magical presentations over the air.

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Chris Korn LIVE 2

“Chris Korn’s new lecture is a true master class of process, detail and being mindful of the audience. His experience performing these routines thousands of times for people of all ages and cultures really shines. So many cool ideas and great bits through to the very end. Honored to have known Chris for over 3 decades and proud to call him a great friend.” Homer Liwag

“Chris Korn has been inspiring magicians with his unique style of magic for decades. This latest offering is no different. His 10 coin production is worth the price of the lecture.” -Eric Jones

“I’ve seen Korn melt brains (including mine) with this material in real life. Pound for pound one of the best close up magic lectures I’ve seen in a LONG time. Just buy the damn thing. If you

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Joe Barry LIVE

“Joe fooled me – many times. Joe favors impromptu material, so you’re ready as long as there’s a deck handy. There are valuable lessons here, in everything from subtleties to attitude.” – Simon Aronson

“Some of the best card work I’ve ever seen; absolutely mesmerising, bewildering and above all inspiring.” – Daniel Madison

“I met Joseph Barry at The Session convention. He blew me away with his card magic. All his effects are direct, simple and clear. It was a wicked pleasure for me to introduce him to different

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Luis Carreon LIVE 2

“What do you get you combine dangerous chops, dangerous good looks and a charming personality? Luis Carreon! One of the few card magicians that knows how to keep the action happening and audience enthralled from start to finish, and one of my favorite live performers.” -Bill Abbott

“Simply put, Luis Carreon is one of the best magicians in the world. What sets him apart, is his ability to marry technical virtuosity with an entertaining, and often hilarious, performing persona. His magic fools audiences badly, without making fools of them. His performances are an invitation into a world where anything can happen and does! I am thrilled that he has agreed

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Christopher Carter LIVE

“Christopher Carter has been performing mentalism professionally longer than pretty much anyone. His style has always ensured his shows are fresh, engaging, and truly entertaining. The methods you’re going to learn here are not pipe dreams, this is material that has been refined in front of real audiences for decades! There are very few people I would prefer didn’t do a Penguin lecture because their stuff is too good. Christopher is one of these people. In fact having to write this to tell you that he’s amazing is most infuriating.’– Colin McLeod

“Lots of Magicians give strong, creative lectures. Some magicians are busy doing shows for good fees. Only a few performers check both of those boxes. Christopher Carter, I know first-hand, is in that elite group.”– Ken Weber
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Chris Korn LIVE 2

“Chris Korn’s new lecture is a true master class of process, detail and being mindful of the audience. His experience performing these routines thousands of times for people of all ages and cultures really shines. So many cool ideas and great bits through to the very end. Honored to have known Chris for over 3 decades and proud to call him a great friend.” Homer Liwag

“Chris Korn has been inspiring magicians with his unique style of magic for decades. This latest offering is no different. His 10 coin production is worth the price of the lecture.” -Eric Jones

“I’ve seen Korn melt brains (including mine) with this material in real life. Pound for pound one of the best close up magic lectures I’ve seen in a LONG time. Just buy the damn thing. If you don’t find at least one thing to add to your working set immediately, then you probably think Nickelback is “music”. -Nick Diffatte

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