The Blow Vanish. Imagine an instantaneous coin vanish that’s Hyper Visual and highly inexplicable.
All Magic Movie
Self-Flipping Notepad by Victor Sanz (only Premium)
A mentalism effect combined with a very visual and ghostly display!
Bone Collectors by Ashford Kneitel
Bone Collectors by Ashford Kneitel
Attraction by Laurent Mikelfield
In Attraction, Mikelfield has created a concept that allows a predetermined number of cards to be lifted in a single packet – at the touch of a finger. Gravity seems to reverse for the cards under Laurent’s control, stopped from falling by a single touch.
At The Table Live Lecture by Christopher Taylor
Many of the world’s greatest mentalists and magicians have used Christopher’s handiwork to achieve astonishing and impossible feats.
Magic From My Heart by Juan Tamariz (5 DVD) (only Premium)
Neither Deaf Nor Stupid (that fools even connoisseurs)
Revolution by Aaron Fisher
The Revolution & Helter Skelter are two of the most strikingly visual card effects you will ever see. Even better, these effect are easy to use. In fact, you’ll be performing the Revolution change in minutes!