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Return Flight by Rick Lax (only Premium)

“You NEVER do the same trick twice, unless it’s this one.” -Rick Lax

This one’s not an instant download. We’re going to send you a little something you need, but boy-oh-boy is it worth it.

Multiple phases each more impossible than the last. Crazy powerful, standing ovation caliber card magic from Rick Lax.
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Confabagram By Alex Pandrea & Beau Cremer (only Premium)

“Fooled me! I love the method” – Shin Lim

7 different routines included, this isn’t limited to playing cards! Predict anything on your Instagram using THEIR PHONE. No Apps needed, and it’s 100% Customizable.

Confabagram allows you to make predictions on your Instagram days, weeks, or even months ahead of time. In this package you will receive SEVEN of our favorites.
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DNT change by Aarsh Shah

Resultado de imagem para Aarsh Shah - DNT Change

This change is impossibly visual. Card changes 2 times in a row. Gives TWO awesome magical moments!! It is not easy to do, It takes some time and practice, but once you get the knack, you will be performing a super visual miracle!

It is not a change that you can perform completely surrounded. You have to be careful about your angles, But in suitable situations, it is worth performing.

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Out of My Mind by Spidey (Re Upload Nitroflare)

Imagine being able to identify the color of face down cards. In the spectator’s hands. After the cards are cut – and shuffled. From a normal deck.

Based on a concept originally published in 1958. A spectator holds 10 cards face down. You’ve never seen the cards, yet you can identify the color of each one with COMPLETE accuracy. EVERY time.

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Polyester by Zivi Kivi

Die Mind Reading Stickers funktionieren folgendermassen: Sie kleben diese auf Ihr Smartphone (oder das des Zuschauers) damit sie „aufladen“ können. Sie geben das Telefon der Person die vor Ihnen steht und von da an ist jeder durch den Bildschirm gefesselt. Was die Leute live und auch durch eine Smartphone App sehen ist, wie der Zauberkünstler seine Fingerfertigkeit vorführt. Der Zuschauer darf jetzt sogar eine Karte auswählen und dann ziehen Sie den Aufkleber ab und dann ist der Kartenname auf dem Kleber! Sie drehen die gewählte Karte vom Zuschauer um und beide stimmen überein. Sie können dann den Aufkleber auf Ihre Visitenkarte kleben und diese als Geschenk aushändigen.

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The Vault – THE BOX by Mickael Chatelain (only Premium)

Take a Tic-Tac dispenser from your pocket. As it’s transparent, it’s obvious to all that there’s just one piece of candy inside. This is no illusion, there really is just one dispenser with one piece of candy inside.

Open the dispenser and dump the Tic-Tac into your spectator’s hand. The dispenser is now empty and you show it from all sides. The spectator can look inside the opening and can see that it’s just an empty Tic-Tac dispenser and nothing more.

Close the dispenser and hold it horizontally between your thumb and forefinger in front of the spectator.

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