All Magic Movie

WOODY ON STEBBINS Vol 1 by Woody Aragon

WOODY ON STEBBINS Vol 1 by Woody Aragon

What happens when  a genius like Woody Aragon puts his attention on a principle as powerful as the Si Stebbins stack? The answer: Magic.

This is a must-have series for anyone interested in strong, entertaining and impossible card magic, regardless of whether you’re familiar with the stack or not.

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Intersection by Hondo

With Hondo’s Intersection, you can make one playing card melting through the other card or a borrowed bill magically. In the end, you can leave audience all the objects as the souvenirs. Intersection is so perfect for both live performance and stunning your friends on social medias!

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Nathan Kranzo – Stand Up Progressive Wild Coin

Nathan Kranzo - Stand Up Progressive Wild Coin [rha3otbysbu7 ...


Following the same lead as my last DVD Stand Up Coin Magic this routine is performed all in-the-hands, without a table, in front of your chest. Its always important to perform in front of your chest, and face, so the audience can see your magic and most importantly YOU. PLUS you can perform it

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Cointum-Leap By Justin Morris

In three phases, a signed coin instantly vanishes from one side of the card and in the same moment appears on the other side of the card. Participants can even watch both sides at the same time! Visual eye candy that’s easy and fun to do!

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