Dai Vernon – The Spirit of Magic
All Magic Movie
Derek Dingle – Delights
“… the performer whom most magicians consider the greates card magician extant.”
– TIME Magazine
Derek Dingle has been one of the most influential close-up magicians of the 20th century. He created many outstanding routines that are in use by the leading professionals in our field. He went from an outstanding amateur to a successful professional and on this DVD you get to see him perform and explain the routines that he regularly used in his professional career.
The DVD begins with a live lecture, taped in Sacramento, California in 1998, where he performed and explained his favorite routines.
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Derek Dingle – Deceptions
Derek Dingle’s first book, Dingle’s Deceptions (written by Harry Lorayne), that was released in 1971 created a firestorm of interest. The routines taught in that book created his reputation as one of the best, most skilled and creative close-up magicians in the world. On this video you will see Derek Dingle perform and teach the miracles that first made him famous. As a bonus, Dingle teaches the hysterical routine which he always uses in his stand-up and formal close-up shows.
David Stone – 4F
David Stone – 4F
Torn & Amazed by Michael Ammar
“It never leaves their sight!”
“You actually fool yourself as you do it. It’s that convincing.”
You’re going to LOVE this revolutionary card trick from master magician Michael Ammar.
Rip a SIGNED card (with the signature in full view!!) and heal it completely. The card never leaves their sight! And you can IMMEDIATELY hand it out for inspection.
PROFESSIONALS: Instant reset, easy to master and works with ANY deck.
Michael Ammar – Easy to Master Thread Miracles (3 DVD)
There is more powerful potential in just a few feet of invisible thread than almost anything else in magic. This is magic that becomes the stuff of legends. No matter what type of magic you perform, from the purest sleight of hand to the largest grand illusions, this is the type of magic that creates conversations and reputations. People vividly remember the moment they saw something levitated and animated just inches away from their eyes. Continuing in the Easy to Master tradition, this new set of videos is organized in a very structured fashion, taking the viewer from simple animations with short lengths of thread that can be easily set up and managed through intermediate effects that are a bit more involved and finally ending up with elaborate effects that are truly mind-bending. Each video in this series also contains valuable supporting information on lighting, concealment, and theory that will stimulate your thinking well beyond the featured magic.
Visualize by Brendan Rodrigues
Brendan Rodrigues is fast establishing himself as one of the go to magicians on the upmarket London party scene. With his unique style of magic, it’s taken us nearly three years to talk him into doing this project, but it’s finally here! All of Brendan’s magic is visual, snappy and immediate. Best of all there are NO CARD TRICKS INVOLVED.
This is “Visualize”:
Crystal Ball Opener – A stunning crystal ball routine that is both magical and mystifying. Techniques taught include which balls to use, care and attention, palm spin, The Enigma Move, The Push Thru, The Vibration, The Invisible Thread and The Amazing Droplet Productions. It’s the perfect opener!