All Magic Movie

THE PROPHECY OF HORUS by Luca Volpe and Renato Cotini

Luca Volpe & Renato Cotini are proud to present The Prophecy of Horus.

Imagine this:
You show the spectator a card saying that represents a prediction…the prophecy of Horus.

Then you introduce cards of mixed puzzle pieces saying that they create three typical Egyptian symbols. At this point the spectator will proceed to a series of mixes, completely changing the

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Corner by Giacomo Bigliardi

CartoMagia by Giacomo Bigliardi

Welcome to CartoMagia.

I created this subscription to bring all my best creations in one place, just for you.

What you get:

  • Two New Tricks Every Month: Stay ahead with fresh, original card magic each month.

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Le Val Classics – Shroud by Lewis Le Val


In Volume Three of Le Val Classics, you’ll discover two powerful and innovative mentalism techniques. These methods are perfect for tarot readers who incorporate mentalism methodology into their practice, as well as contemporary mystery performers looking to elevate their acts.

A peek and a force made possible by a single, unassuming item.

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Le Val Classics – The OTT Move by Lewis Le Val


“The false switch that set the world on fire.”

OTT is Lewis Le Val’s “pseudo switch”, allowing you to create the perfect illusion of exchanging one piece of folded card for another. It is the ultimate answer to fixing the discrepancy caused by the “one ahead” principle.

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