Flip Hallema – Truly Magical Rope Magic
All Magic Movie
Falkenstein and Willard – Masters of Mental Magic Vol 2
Falkenstein 17-minute Blindfold Mindreading Act-For the first time on any video, Glenn Falkenstein reveals his award-winning signature blindfold mindreading act that has kept him at the top of his profession for over two decades. Glenn takes you through a step-by-step demonstration of blindfolds, billets, masks, answering questions, handling volunteers, sidestepping difficult situations, avoiding pitfalls, and adapting to various performing situations. Glenn shares priceless tips gleaned over a lifetime of performances, including getting booked and RE-booked! Falkenstein & Willard’s Two-Way Mindreading Act-Learn the act called “Fifty Years From Now” as taught by The Great Mardoni & Louise. Frances Willard is introduced and blindfolded by Glenn. Glenn
Joe Rindfleisch – Extreme Card Magic Vol 1
And now to complete the Rindfleisch series, a Brand New 2-Volume Set Joe Rindfleisch’s Extreme CARD Magic – Card magic . . . with the emphasis on MAGIC!
There are card tricks . . . you know the ones – the pick-a-card-any-card affairs that are usually boring to perform and even more so to watch. Then there’s card magic . . . where the cards do impossible things as if they had a life of their own. Effects like these are a joy to perform and mind-boggling and thoroughly entertaining to watch. This is the realm of Joe Rindfleisch.
The man behind the very popular Extreme Rubber Band Magic and Extreme Coin Magic DVDs, is back and this time, he’s turning his creative energies towards the pasteboards.
Alan Alan – Dual Control
The ability to pick up just about any ordinary object and do something amazing with it can be literally at your fingertips!
Imagine taking any small object . . . a pencil, pen or spoon . . . and have it cling to your hands like it was held there by a powerful magnet. On your command, the object drops . . . and your hands are perfectly clean and able to stand up to the most rigorous inspection.
Borrow a deck of cards and have a selected card rise out of the card case. Once again, everything is perfectly examinable. After all, the cards were borrowed! Perform the classic Animated
Troy Hooser – Total Destruction (Vol 1-2)
Orson Welles – The Magic Show
Orson Welles – The Magic Show
The Vault – FIFTY 50 by Andrew Gerard from Conscious Magic Episode 2
50/50 effects (where the odds are 50/50 that the mentalist will predict correctly) only matter when something of value is put on the line. In FIFTY 50, Andrew puts $100 on the line and wagers whether the spectator will pick up the bill with their left or right hand. He always gets it right! This is an anytime, anywhere routine. Grab some paper, pencil, and something to wager, and you’re ready to go.