All Magic Movie

A Lousa by Alejandro Muniz

A great stand up and mentalism magic effect.

Imagine the following. The magician holds a slate that was examined by a spectator. He writes a prediction on it. The spectator makes a free choice of, for instance, a country, a celebrity or an animal. THERE ARE NO FORCES. The choice is completely free. Finally, the prediction matches exactly.

You can use any group of words. It is totally customizable. It works great for parlor magic or for corporate shows. You could use brand names, for example. It is a brand new concept created by

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Fantastic Aces by Jörg Alexander

Fantastic Aces von Jörg Alexander

Fantastic Aces ist Jörg Alexanders Interpretation des bekannten Plots der Ass-Wanderung. Diese führt er seit 2010 in seinen Close Up Shows vor und hat dafür in der Zauberszene weltweit durchgehend positive Resonanzen bekommen.

Und das zurecht: Diese Version bringt alles mit, was man sich von einer starken Kartenroutine erwartet. Die Vorführung ist extrem täuschend und sauber, die Asse können vor und nach dem Effekt untersucht werden. Zudem wird der Effekt nicht nur Laien, sondern auch viele erfahrene Zauberkünstler täuschen, die bereits mit dem Plot vertraut sind.

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Techno Pop by Jack Carpenter

Jack Carpenter - Techno-Pop - Magic Tricks Learning Materials for Magicians

A great way for the opening of a teaching license ,Jack Carpenter own way the cards by Yoann F to the interpretation and teaching


Jack Carpenter is one of card magic’s best kept secrets, he isknowed in the magic community for his creativity and this release willshow you why. There are so many four cards production around that it’shard to find one that really stands out, we think this is the casewith this one.
Jack agreed to privately share his handling with theMS Team so that together we could bring this wonderful discovery to themagic community. With this download you will discover the

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