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Bigblindmedia Presents Blind Faith by Stephen Tucker – The Workers Monte

Bigblindmedia presents Stephen Tucker’s BLIND FAITH – The Workers Monte (BBM328)

Stephen Tucker’s brilliant BLIND FAITH is truly the workers Monte routine – in-the-hands, visual, easy to do and ends with a KICKER!

Like all Monte’s your spectators (try as they might) just CAN’T find the odd card out. However Stephen’s brilliantly constructed routine ends with a shocking kicker AND leaves you 100% squeaky clean.
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Number 6 by Docc Hilford

A Professional Routine for Advanced Thinkers

In the past, great mind readers such as Charles Foster, Bert Reese, Al Baker and Ted Annemann, have used nothing more than three pieces of paper and three envelopes to make headlines and create awe in their audiences.

Now, YOU will be able to do more than just apparently reading minds: you will seem to actually control them.

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One Question by Ollie Mealing

One Question - Ollie Mealing - Vanishing Inc. Magic shop

We’re thrilled to partner with Ollie Mealing on one of the most practical and original effects we’ve seen for a long time. With an intriguing and memorable premise, you’re going to love performing “One Question”!

This unique routine is best described as a combination of card magic, mentalism, and party games like “Heads Up” and “Twenty Questions.” It’s powerful enough to go into your formal show, while also being casual enough to perform while simply hanging out with friends.

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Perspective by Julio Montoro

Have you ever tried to play with the perspective of an object?

We all know that if you put something closer to your eyes, that thing looks much bigger than other objects at the back of them. With the new creation of Julio Montoro, you can use this plot to do an impossible thing: play with the perspective!

Perspective is an effect thought for your social media and ZOOM shows where you will take two parts of a King of Clubs and play with the perspective of it with your viewers. You have to watch the

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