All Magic Movie

Skymember Presents Isolated by Mr. Xuan

Fabiolus Magic Store - Ihr Zauberladen in Berlin - Skymember Presents  Isolated Red by Mr. Xuan

In 1950s, David Berglas created the “Holy Grail” of card magic, known as “The Berglas Effect“.

The Berglas Effect:

The performer shows a shuffled pack of cards, then a spectator is asked to think of ANY card in the deck. Next, the spectator is asked to name a random number between 1 and 52. Amazingly, the randomly thought of card is found at the exact number the spectator had thought of. In later years, this effect was known as “ACAAN” and is still regarded as one of the most impossible card

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Aaron Alexander – POWA Live Lecture In Vancouver

When I first heard rumors about Aaron’s work, I had to look into it for myself. At first glance such demonstrations seemed like pipe dreams. But as I found out, for those performers brave enough to dive in, the rewards are truly breathtaking.
I’ve been studying methods in mentalism and hypnosis as well as esoteric and mystical writings for many years now and pride myself on being well versed in both arenas. Aaron’s work is fresh and workable, and yet it retains a sense of something arcane. His writing style is so unique that it sucks the reader into a world hidden behind the mundane. Having corresponded with Aaron for some

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The Devil & the Magician by Paul Gordon

It’s back! It’s back and better! Better artwork. Better design. Better presentation. Better handling. Batter method! As used by the great Jeff McBride.

Top-quality antique-effect Tarot sized cards. It’s basically a “wild card” type effect. These bespoke cards are gorgeous so get your set now.

The effect is how good triumphs over evil. It’s a good story and a unique effect.

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Visual Madness by Ngoc Tu

Description: This collection will take your card magic to the next level. Including a couple variations, of high-impact, miraculous magic. Many of these moves and techniques will take quite a lot of practice, but once you have them down, you will have power in your pocket. To witness an artwork is to witness part of the artists’ mind, and here, you will glimpse the inner workings of the mind of Nguy?n Ng?c Tú.

Each routine is completely clean – no gimmicks, duplicates, double-stick tape, invisible cards, or camera tricks required. You can borrow a deck and perform each of these.

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Voyage or argent by Jean-Pierre Crispon

Voyage or argent by Jean-Pierre Crispon,New arrival

Le magicien dépose trois pièces « Or » alignées d’un côté de la table, et trois pièces « Argent » de l’autre côté. Les trois pièces « Or » vont voyager une par une pour rejoindre les pièces « Argent », sans aucun contact apparent ! La méthode utilisée est intéressante : minimum de manipulation, maximum d’effet !

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Dr. Sawa – Envelope Coin

Envelope Coin by Dr. Sawa | New Item | SEO MAGIC

Envelope Coin: This new principle gimmick coin will surprise you.

Kissing Coin: They are 2 set of magnetic double face coin

In this DVD, 5 routines are explained.

Coin Quintet: A coin changes 5 times by using “Envelope Coin” and “Kissing Coin”.

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