All Magic Movie

Ink down by Zoen’s

“INK DOWN” is a very visual and smooth effect where we can write anything on the tuck of the card box and then in an instant the ink transports to the edge of the deck!
And it is immediately examined!

No pulls
No flaps

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Rattle Dice by Alex Latorre

“”One of the greatest things I’ve seen in years if not DECADES. I’m blown away by the possibilities.” –Gregory WIlson

“Alex Latorre’s Rattle Dice is a devilish gimmick that has been realized to perfection.” – David Regal

“Rattle Dice is a lovely blend of engineering and sleight of hand. The idea behind, the routines and the quality of this product are simply fantastic.” – Juan Capilla

“What an AMAZING tool that allows for so many different routines. If you don’t carry this in your pocket then you are really missing out!” – Paul Romhany

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Elite Garnier Wallet by Jerry Mentzer

The Elite Garnier Wallet is the finest magic wallet ever produced. It combines three of the most popular wallets (Kaps, LePaul and Mullica style wallets) into one gorgeous accessory. Only 250 remain, making these limited-edition wallets the perfect choice for any discerning magician or collector.

Each one has been crafted by hand and is made from the finest leather.

The right side features the Paul LePaul wallet for the Signed Card in Sealed Envelope, including some refinements suggested by Gary Kurtz. On the same side, you will also find a removable Tom

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