“You’ve just taken the best trick deck in the world and made it better!”
– David Regal
“I absolutely love this! It’s fantastic! Amazing!”
– Steve Valentine
“You’ve just taken the best trick deck in the world and made it better!”
– David Regal
“I absolutely love this! It’s fantastic! Amazing!”
– Steve Valentine
Hand your spectator FIVE supermarket receipts. Let them check they are ALL completely different and ask them to focus on ONE item from one of the receipts.
In what feels like real mind reading, you are able to REVEAL the exact item they are thinking of… and the exact price paid. They could have picked ANY ITEM from a long list in which EVERY
Michael Murray’s version of OOTW is genius, pure and simple. If Paul Curry had still been alive he would have adopted Michael’s handling immediately. It is THAT good.” – Mark Elsdon
“A Brave New World” is Michael Murray’s take on the Paul Curry’s classic titled “Out of this World”.
For those that are not familiar with this effect you essentially allow a spectator to deal a shuffled deck into two face down piles. When each of these piles are turned over it is revealed that the spectator has somehow managed to separate the red cards from the blacks.
Psychological magic at its FINEST
“Groundbreaking.” -Patrick Redford
“You can’t go wrong with Gidrah” -Linking Ring Magazine
“One of the deep thinkers in Magic” -Phil Reda
LOAD – PEEK- SWITCH – The Apex Wallet does it all… in true style.
Signed card to zippered compartment
Card to sealed envelope
Ring or coin to sealed envelope in zippered compartment
A spectator thinks of any weapon, location and a name for the victim. It`s a completely free choice yet it turns out that you have predicted everything they`ve said.
“Beautiful! What a transformation, literally and figuratively!”
– Banachek
“Wow! That is powerful! And what a beautiful gift to leave people with. This is great for both close up and stage. Love it!”
– Billy Kidd