
Lifecraft by Unknown Mentalist

Lifecraft by Unknown Mentalist

Lifecraft is a quick, solid feel good routine. The main routine is pure mind reading and there is an optional second phase too. This effect can be done face to face or in a virtual show. It can even be performed over a voice phone call.

The effect is flexible enough to be performed as a one off routine or as a part of a set. Very easy to learn and you can perform this almost as soon as you read this manuscript. No sleights, no stooges and no pre-show work. Nothing to reset as there is no set up at all. You are always ready to perform. Practically self working. Everything can be freely handled by both performer and

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True Secrets of Mind Reading – 53 Book Tests

A spectator chooses a book or magazine, selects a page and a word or sentence and the performer divines it.

A book test is one of the most organic and natural pieces that answer the question most often posed by audiences: “Can you read my mind?”.

This ebook covers more than fifty different book test routines as well as deep insight into how they work. Including some of the hardest to find methods once thought to have been lost to time.

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REUSABLE by Kyle Purnell

If you do casual magic…things you can just throw into your pocket in the morning, and be set to go all day… then Reusable is a great addition to your repertoire. It is an impromptu restoration that happens right under their noses!
A signed sticky note gets torn in half…and immediately gets visually restored.
It is that direct.

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Level Up by Craig Petty

“With less and less people carrying coins and cash it’s great to see classic plots and moves given a new lease of life. Level Up doesn’t just change the game… it switches it completely” – MATTHEW WRIGHT

“If you love gaming then SWITCH up your traditional coin magic for Craig Petty’s new trick LEVEL UP. You’ll love it so much I doubt you will be asking for a wiifund… It’s incredible” – IAIN BAILEY

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VOX by David Jonathan (ALL Video+PDF)

Imagine the power: A randomly chosen card. They mix the deck. Siri tells you its exact position!

“VOX is yet another shining example of why I love David’s brain so much. He should be declared a national treasure!”
– Michael Murray

“VOX is brilliant. The work that David has put into this is incredible.”

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Ted Karmilovich – The Mother of All Book Tests 2.0 (MOABT 2.0)

This is the book test a select group of professionals are using to blow their audiences away.

Can be performed for an audience of one to one thousand! Close up; walk-around, stage, radio and TV.


The basic effect:

A spectator is invited to take a readable and examinable book, open it to any page, and is invited to think of any word on that page. The performer, without touching the book or approaching the

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Mick Ayres – Mr. Know-It-All (Book Six in Act-Series)

Mr. Know-It-All is the most recent addition to the Act-series.  This sixth installment in the acclaimed Act-Series is now available.

The Mr. Know-It-All show is a mentalism act of uncanny knowledge and revelations.  The only prop required is a common deck of playing cards, but even then, the Act is not reliant upon them.  Postcards, photographs, or index cards can easily be substituted—in fact, one demonstration involves no props at all.   Each experiment is clear and simple; meaning, the methods are new, original, and often self-working.

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