Akkelian Envelopes are a powerful, practical mentalism tool that enable you to instantly divine exactly what your spectator has written down – words, numbers, or even drawings.
Thaddius Barker – Sherlocked 2.0 (Video+PDF) (only Premium)
The PIN code divination is one of the most impressive feats you can perform for a modern audience
With absolutely no forces, peeks, or awkward unexplained processes, this system will assist you in revealing a participant’s freely thought-of PIN code
This is a versatile system, as it can be used in virtually any environment – stage, close up, parlor, etc. – regardless of region or language barriers
Induction by Spidey (2 DVD) (only Premium)
“Spidey is without a doubt the busiest hypnotist I know in today’s market and THE authority on modern stage hypnosis.”
– Shin Lim
Warning: This knowledge is not for the idly curious, the contents of this DVD; if studied properly and used ethically, can change your performance game forever!
The ability to control the mind of another human is nothing short of a true super power. Hypnosis is the ultimate impromptu miracle, with no gimmicks, preparation or set up you can entertain a small group of people or a stadium of thousands. Spidey has made his name and based his entire touring show on one of the most profound of abilities, induced hypnotism. Now, he is opening the vault and handing the keys to his success to you. You are about to learn Spidey’s full tailored & time-tested hypnotism show that keeps him booked a full 365 days out of every year all over the western hemisphere. You will also learn everything you need to know to build your very own show from scratch.
Executive Clip by Chris Funk
“It is very rare that I see a magic prop and immediately know that it has a place in my arsenal without question. The only thing I don’t like about the executive clip is that it makes the rest of my mentalism look bad by comparison.” -Spidey
The Vault – Mind Journey by Luca Volpe (only Premium)
Predict their dream vacation!
This is a triple prediction with an emotional twist. Your spectator really does go on a journey in their mind and you have correctly predicted all the elements of it!
Viewed ESP Prediction by Richard Osterlind presented by Simone Turkington (only Premium)
As a bonus, you’ll learn Simone’s handling for how to instantly REPEAT the effect.
“I have performed Viewed ESP Prediction hundreds of times and it never fails to get a great reaction. The secret is very cool and
Wunderkind by Andreas Dante (DVD+PDF) (only Premium)
“5 stars. No gimmicks, no writing, but you can divine their number over and over again. The concept of random thoughts allows you to expound on the mystery of the universe.” – Marc Salem