Coin Tricks

Calico by Rick Holcombe (ALL 14 Video+PDF)

Discover the groundbreaking coin routines and expert techniques of one of coin magic’s modern masters. Calico by Rick Holcombe will teach you that coin magic doesn’t need to be boring.

More than a decade in the making, this 160-page, beautifully illustrated book is proof that coin magic can be both accessible and captivating. In total, you’ll get 14 practical and visual coin magic routines ranging from transpositions to coin-through-table effects and even in-the-hands miracles. There’s also a versatile set of sleights taught that will benefit your overall coin magic.

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Trident by Alex Ng, Bond Lee, & N2G

Trident created by Alex Ng, produced by Bond Lee & N2G

The Trident was a legendary weapon wielded by the Greek god, Poseidon, and now you can have the same power.

A coin miracle merges the traditional and the modern.

Magicians can magically manipulate a gold, silver and copper coin at will. This coin set allows you to achieve productions, vanishes, transpositions, color changes and much more.

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Jeff Copeland – Coin Craze

Coin Craze – Copeland

Cameron Braxton.

“Smooth” is the best description of Cameron Braxton and his magic. Even when he is not performing, you are entertained just hearing him speak. I like to listen to Cameron. His voice deserves nice adjectives. We don’t often say that about people, do we? Further, his choice of words are encouraging and kind. He is a gentleman in the truest sense of the word.

Enough on his voice, Cameron is one beast of a magician.

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Origins of The Drawers Dream by Ferran Rizo


The silent vaudeville magician Ferran Rizo with his unique magic style has caused a stir on social networks with his original coin magic. Now it is time to learn his secrets clearly explained by himself

Maybe you are familiarized with Ferran Rizo’s Drawer’s Dream 2.0. Well this is the original idea of that effect whereby a coin is deleted piece by piece with an eraser. In this original version you

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Insight by Chen Yang & TCC Magic

Insight by Chen Yang & TCC Magic

A Practical Tool That Combines Ancient Coin and Book Test.

From the creative mind of Chen Yang, the magician behind The Mobius Rising Card, Card On Ceiling Wax, and the 2023 bestseller Grandma’s Miracle introduces a new tool: Insight.

Insight combines the mystique of ancient coins with the power of the book test. The effect is straightforward yet easy to do:

Using an ancient Chinese coin as a guide, you slide it across the pages of a book and have the spectator stop it at any point. The coin circles a specific word, and with a subtle display of mind-

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The Power of Hand Cleaner by Ferran Rizo

A completely original and new way to make coins vanish. The magician place on the table three coins. He pours some hand cleaner and one coin vanish. This is repeat with the second coin more clearly than the first one. At the end the last coin is placed on the table, when is covered by the hand it vanish. No black art or lapping for the coin, it just vanish.

All the details explained on the video even Ferran Rizo’s Wipe Hand Coin Vanish. Whit this technique you will be able to make a coin disappear completely from your hands

Magic for the serious student. You will learn all the routine details

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Coinsdini by Ferran Rizo


The silent vaudeville magician Ferran Rizo with his unique magic style has caused a stir on social networks with his original coin magic. Now it is time to learn his secrets clearly explained by himself

What would happen if Cardini would do a coin effect? Ferran Rizo has arrived to the conclusion that maybe, something like this. Dare to perform this magical, funny and novel effect by Ferran

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