Card Tricks

Semi-Automatic Weapons Project Chapter 12 by Dani DaOrtiz

The Semi-Automatic Transposition

In the final lesson of the Semi-Automatic Weapons project Dani DaOrtiz shares with you one of his most cherished techniques. The introduction to this technique is through his Semi-Automatic Transposition. To begin, the magician breaks the deck into four packets and hands them out to spectators to shuffle. The deck is reassembled and ten cards are dealt onto the table. A spectator thinks of any number between one and ten. The magician shows the cards on the table to the spectator one at a time, and they memorize the card at the position they chose. The magician counts

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Signature 2.0 by Giacomo Bigliardi

This is Signature 2.0. It’s one of my favourite card magic effects to perform to laypeople, and it can now be yours.

What is Signature 2.0?

It’s my impromptu take on the Anniversary Waltz plot. Two spectators each select and sign a card. Then, one of the signatures visually transposes to the other card. It’s visual, it’s easy and it’s impromptu. It has been my opener for four years now, the very first effect I do when I want to perform to a group of people.

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Just Passin’ Thru by Russ Niedzwiecki

Imagine a piece of magic so incredible, so visually stunning, that it looks like trick photography…but it’s happening live, inches from your face!

A borrowed bill of any denomination is clearly and openly folded around a pencil. The bill is shown front and back to completely enwrap the pencil. With no moves, nothing added or taken away, almost instantly the pencil visually penetrates through the bill! The bill is once again wrapped around the pencil, but this time the pencil slowly… very slowly… melts… through… the bill!

You will enjoy performing this effect as much as your audience will be delighted watching it. With how incredibly easy “Just Passin’ Thru” is to do coupled with the fact that all you need to carry is

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