It all begins with one card. It is freely selected. It is chosen. It is signed.
Card Tricks
Sin City by Luke Dancy
Luke Dancy has once again assembled a collection of his finest and most visual “not just card” magic.
TRIGGER 2.0 By Valdemar Gestur
Trigger is a stunning and surprising effect that looks like trick photography. The solution is impossible to reconstruct, yet seems fair and is easily achieved.
Converter by Kreis Magic
A spectator selects a card, and returns it to the deck. Another card is taken from the deck, and inserted at the middle of the deck from the side. When the card comes out from the other side of the deck, it is changed to the card that the spectator has selected!
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Comes complete with gimmick and detailed instruction sheet in English and Japanese languages.
Transporter by Joshua Jay
Joshua Jay’s Wonder Wallet Series Continues…TRANSPORTER Has Arrived!
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Size : 26 MB
Card at Any Number by Justin Miller
The Card at Any Number plot is a classic of magic, usually involving complex stacks, stooges, multiple decks or limits on the card or number named. But Justin Miller doesn’t like complex.
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Size : 82 MB
Arthur by Chris Wiehl
The story of King Arthur and the Sword in the Stone has been passed down, translated, and presented in thousands of ways for almost a thousand years. A story of power, destiny, and magic that has withheld the test of time. The story is simple, but the implications are grand. Christopher Wiehl has taken inspiration from this timeless story and has created one of his strongest effects yet.
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Size : 357 MB