One playing card whispers instructions to you until somewhere in the centre of the shuffled pack it finds a single card, in which it whispers the identity of
Card Tricks
Zero Set by Limin & Magic Soul
Take your audience member’s card-signed, if you want – and make it magically appear inside this clear plastic ID holder. This trick is both simple to perform and stunning to behold
Entrapment Gold II by Alakazam
“Such elegant magic and surprisingly easy to master.”
C3 by Nojima
A New Color-Change Technique!
Five The Easy Way by Mark Elsdon
This is our favorite kind of download—one packed with FIVE effects that would stand alone on every other site but ours. “Five the Easy Way”
Transporter by Joshua Jay
Joshua Jay’s Wonder Wallet Series Continues…TRANSPORTER Has Arrived!
Sly Card By Bboymagic
Imagine being able to reveal cards in a visual way without looking at them.This is impossible THIS is SLY CARD.