Tony’s first release Block Buster was a huge success. We now bring to the magic world Tony’s brand new effect Sparrow.
Card Tricks
Orbit On The Trick That Cannot Be Explained by Chris Brown
dive deep into my approach to Dai Vernon’s “The Trick That Cannot Be Explained.” Since Vernon released this there have been those who have tried to duplicate this effect using gaffs and other methods to ensure that the trick can be delivered every single time without fail. The problem with these methods are that they involve zero skill and it steers away from how Vernon did it, completely 100% impromptu. The beauty behind this effect is, you
Placebo by Mark Calabrese
Placebo is a rare miracle in card magic which allows the spectator to do all of the work!
Imagine a named card, from a shuffled deck to be found by the spectator, behind their back! Seems too good to be true? Mark Calabrese has developed a way of doing just that and more.
Scared by Jamie Daws and Dave Forrest
Imagine that at any time, anywhere and under any conditions you could channel energy through your fingertips that would cause a deck of cards to mysteriously animate, slowly begin to shift and, as though of its own accord, cut directly to a selected card. Imagine no more – this is SCARED!
Resonance by Lewis Le Val
True story…
In the late 1970’s the US Army looked into using parapsychology and ‘new age’ powers to provide intelligence to give them a significant advantage over their enemy.
Minimal Oil & Water By Teo Nguyen Quang
A classic trick is remade under my style: Mini Oil and Water. A card is selected and 4 of a kind are left outside. Like other versions of Oil & Water, black and red can not mix. I try to make the effect as beautiful as I can. And with a surprise ending, finally on my hand there is only the selected card
Chapter One by Asi Wind
Excerpt from the Preface of the book:
When I started working on this project, I was searching for a title for this booklet that would reflect my viewpoint on magicin in a nutshell. The title I came up with was “Magic Evolution.” This title conveys the idea that magic, like anything else in life, is a process of evolution, where one