Card Tricks

David Williamson Chicago Lecture Notes 2018 (only Premium)

Bildergebnis für David Williamson Chicago Lecture Notes 2018

This is the accompanying video to David Willaimson´s only lecture in 2018 held in Chicago.

• Chicago Aces – An extremely clean method to allow the spectator to find the four Aces from a shuffled deck.

• The Hypnotist – Dave’s clever and funny color changing deck routine right out of his book Williamson’s Wonders.

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NO BOX by Gonçalo Gil and MacGimmick (only Premium)

Bildergebnis für NO BOX by Gonçalo Gil and MacGimmick

No Box revolutionizes the “Card to Impossible Location” plot. No Box is Gonçalo Gil’s magnificent co-invention along with (and developed by) MacGimmick. This special gimmick will allow you to make a signed card appear anywhere, limited only by your imagination.

The magician introduces two cards by saying that they will be important in a few moments – he can put them on the table. Then he says that there are two ways to pick cards: one of them by chance (cards are placed face down on the table), and the other can be selected (this second card is signed). The signed card is given to the spectator and magically vanishes. The magician picks up one of the cards and it matches the first card, selected by chance. The final climax is that the other card, the one in full view since the beginning, is the spectator’s signed card!

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Siamese Waltz by Bennie Chickering (only Premium)

This is Bennie Chickering’s go-to trick. Not sure how you’d even follow it up. It’s a 2-phase miracle.

2 cards are selected and SIGNED. Then you TEAR BOTH CARDS IN HALF.

Phase 1: You restore both torn cards.
Phase 2: Then you fuse them back together with the wrong half! And here’s the craziest part, THEY GET TO KEEP BOTH CARDS.

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Juan Tamariz – Lessons in Magic (3 DVD) (only Premium)

Bildergebnis für Juan Tamariz - Lessons in Magic

Juan Tamariz is a one-of-a-kind performer. A household name in his native Spain , he is one of the most unique and talented performers ever to grace our art. In the tradition of Vernon and Slydini he has blazed his own enchanted trail. His books on magic are required reading for any thinking student of magic. His repertoire is vast as well as legendary; he once performed for 74 weeks in a row on television. He is in constant demand and is often mobbed on the streets of Madrid by adoring fans. He is one of those especial performers that takes the spectators on a wonderful journey – a magical journey through the heart as well as the mind.

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BLIND by Daniel Madison

Bildergebnis für Blind by Daniel Madison

Two decks with different colored backs are introduced. You ask your spectator to choose any card and place it on top of your pack. You do the same. To everyone’s amazement, BOTH cards match.

A free choice from the spectator leads to one impossible conclusion.

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