Card Tricks

DNT change by Aarsh Shah

Resultado de imagem para Aarsh Shah - DNT Change

This change is impossibly visual. Card changes 2 times in a row. Gives TWO awesome magical moments!! It is not easy to do, It takes some time and practice, but once you get the knack, you will be performing a super visual miracle!

It is not a change that you can perform completely surrounded. You have to be careful about your angles, But in suitable situations, it is worth performing.

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Polyester by Zivi Kivi

Die Mind Reading Stickers funktionieren folgendermassen: Sie kleben diese auf Ihr Smartphone (oder das des Zuschauers) damit sie „aufladen“ können. Sie geben das Telefon der Person die vor Ihnen steht und von da an ist jeder durch den Bildschirm gefesselt. Was die Leute live und auch durch eine Smartphone App sehen ist, wie der Zauberkünstler seine Fingerfertigkeit vorführt. Der Zuschauer darf jetzt sogar eine Karte auswählen und dann ziehen Sie den Aufkleber ab und dann ist der Kartenname auf dem Kleber! Sie drehen die gewählte Karte vom Zuschauer um und beide stimmen überein. Sie können dann den Aufkleber auf Ihre Visitenkarte kleben und diese als Geschenk aushändigen.

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Collectors 2 by Eric Chien (only Premium)

FISM winner Eric Chien’s take on the fabulous Collectors plot.

Three cards are placed in separate parts of the deck. The four Jacks are placed on the top of the deck. The deck is shuffled and cut to the Jacks. Amazingly, the Jacks then turn into Aces and the three cards are now found in between them!

Download the video and start performing today.

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Collectors 1 by Eric Chien (only Premium)

FISM winner Eric Chien’s take on the Collectors plot.

A card is selected and placed between the two red Jacks. The card disappears, and later reappears between the two BLACK Jacks! If this isn’t enough, the card travels once again! Looks astounding.

Download the video and start performing today.

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The One Armed Bandit By Blaise Serra (only Premium)

Resultado de imagem para The One Armed Bandit By Blaise Serra

A devious one-handed palm… From the middle of the deck.

“Insanely clever…”
– Shin Lim, winner of America’s Got Talent

Blaise Serra is the creator of ‘The One Armed Bandit’. One hell of a move where the spectator FREELY chooses a card, and with minimal movements, you’re able to palm the selection from the middle of the deck.

What you do next is up to you.

The possibilities: … Endless

Sleight-of-hand seems impossible when the dirty hand is also the one holding the deck. Blaise teaches you that it’s not.

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Card to Card Box by Cody Fisher (only Premium)

More than a trick, it’s like a mini show, five minutes with tons of surprises. Cody starts out with his signature ambitious card routine and ends with a signed card into a card box. I don’t want to give away too much info but the final phase is impossible.

Cody teaches an awesome new force along with another secret technique you must learn and a great method for making a card appear in the box.

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Into Thin Air V2.0 by Sultan Orazaly (only Premium)

Into Thin Air V2.0 by Sultan Orazaly Making a solid object vanish has never failed to spark a sense of wonder in spectators’ hearts.

Magicians have worked on numerous ways of vanishing a card, but none of them is as visual and easy as this one.

Introducing Into Thin Air 2.0 Our friend Sultan Orazaly from Kazakhistan has gifted us with this incredible effect of making your spectator’s selection instantly vanish without any cover.
Although it is an amazing effect by its own, just imagine how much stronger routines from your repertoire would be with this effect !

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