A card is selected, signed, and sandwiched in between two other cards. The card then vanishes and appears anywhere you want it to. In your pocket, in the card box, in between two other cards. Anywhere. A killer effect that’s great for beginners. Plus, it’s free so you have nothing to lose! I’m David Koehler, and this is Unity.
Card Tricks
Perception by John Carey
Perception by John Carey
Packet Trick Picks by Aldo Colombini
An incredible collection of packet tricks!
PREDICTION GONE WILD (Cameron Francis): A great trick. A card is selected. You show four blank cards with different names of cards on them. All of a sudden all the cards have the name of the selection. At the end the selection vanishes from the deck and appears in the packet.
CSM Magic & Bacon Magic – No Card
CSM Magic & Bacon Magic – No Card
Paul Wilson – Double Lift Workshop
Expert magician and sleight of hand artist Paul Wilson walks you through seven different methods for the Double Lift, an essential
Deja ReVurse presented by Dan Harlan
Tommy Wonder was an incredible performer, well-known for his smooth sleight-of-hand, masterful misdirection, and devious devices. And now, a modern master of magical creativity shares his favorite Tommy Wonder creations with you as Dan Harlan presents “The Best of the Books of Wonder.” Lesson 8 is Déjà ReVurse, an amazing move from Tommy Wonder expanded into a routine where a card repeatedly turns over and then transposes with another spectator’s signed card.
ANDROID by Arnel Renegado
ANDROID is a gimmick that allows you to make a freely selected card appear to the top of a deck from the middle.
A card is selected and signed you then put it into the middle of the deck and suddenly when it drop their chosen card appear to the top.